Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Life of a TO

As mentioned earlier I am organising a tournament, Tin Soldiers, the event is this coming weekend, and I'm finding even for a "small" event things can get quite frustrating..... so I thought I'd vent through the medium of my Blog.

"Sorry mate, ".

Since 'finalisin' entrants 3 people have informed me they will no longer be able to attend, each time I have frantically found a replacement to make even numbers again, before someone else informing me they won't be there - its VERY annoying. Thankfully someone has come to my rescue in that they will be turing up on the day, ready to play for the weekend, but if there is an odd number of players, they will gracefully bow out.

Tournaments have a 'composition' score aka "comp". This is because to allow flexibility the armies allowed aren't all balanced. Comp is supposed to address this somewhat. For the comp system I thought it best/fairest to have everyone send lists in, and an 'independant panel" to score them based on some pre-set criteria.

I have discovered that defining, and clarifying that criteria is very complex, and am being inundated with queries about what I meant by....

Getting the lists in, and finding judges was also not an easy task. But what was REALLY annoying was to make it easier for the judges I typed all the lists into a single spreadsheet - then the morning I went to send them my computer crashed, file lost, so I had to type them all in again - it took AGES.

Added to the above the logistical issues in getting 13 large bits of wood around the city (which I am very grateful to have been loaned them by a local club), organising a date (which I got wrong, as many people can't attend due to another wargaming event being on the same day)... etc it's all quite frustrating.

I guess that's what you get as TO. Hopefully after the "agrro" everyone will enjoy the event - I'll report on that later.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Considering the Options

I just realised I promised to discuss numerous tactics, and did 1 (the fend), before getting distracted by commenting about lizards. Therefore I should write about another. This should clarify what I alluded to about Lizards rarely receiving a charge when skinks are used properly.

One of the "tricks" to Fantasy, like most 'strategy' games is to consider possibilities/options. If you can get into a situation where the opponents options are limited and/or any option they chose leads to a good result for you, then 95% of the time you're going to win the game.

For example:
Say you have 2 units facing off - Kroxigore (12" charge) and some knights (14" charge). Who charges wins (exceptional dice aside - thats the 5% from above). Assuming people can guess ranges correctly (which is a vital skill for all warhammer players) the knights move 13" away from the Krox. The Krox have 3 options they can stay still/move forward and take the charge. They can flee the charge, or they can move backwards 2-3" and get out of charge range.

This is a typical warhammer stand off - in most cases the Krox choose option 3 and no-one will be charging for several turns (until the Krox have their backs to the table edge).

Both players should know this, and consider how this fits in the overall battle plan.

You can change the options by adding in a 3rd unit, some skinks. Now the skinks move in front of the Kroxigore and start shooting the knights. The knights have 2 options - charge the skinks or stand still and get shot. If they charge the skinks would flee and get cut down, but the Kroxigore would then charge the knights (who would likely flee, rally, get charged again....). If they get shot the knights will (slowly) be killed.

The Kroxigore could apply more pressure by moving up meaning if the knights stay still they get charged by the Kroxigore, and if they charge the skinks, they get charged by the Kroxigore. This would = a no win scenario for the Knights.

That said the knights can still flee a charge from the Krox (possibly after killing the skinks). Positioning of other units, charge angles etc can all be used to mean if this happens the knights will still die. A common trick would be to also use a fast/weak unit (Terradons) to charge at the same time as the Krox. If the knights hold the krox beat them up (and hopefully not enough knights are left to kill the 'dons) if they flee the dons are fast enough to run them down. A similar trick involving Steed of Shadows (and a priest or Scar Vet) can also run the fleeing unit down.

An alternative is if the knights can get a unit behind the Krox (even a single model, ie Captain on Pegasus). The Krox can no longer move back, and therefore would receive the charge or flee (if the unit being is US 5 then its dead Krox either way).

See. It's all about options.

When playing consider. If I do this, what would I expect my oppoent to do, how would I then react to his counter.... if you can't work your way to a good resolution for you, you need to try something different.

Of course when you've played enough this becomes second nature, and it 'appears' people are playing without thinking, but all the options are being weighed up (possibly subconciously).

Another thing to consider is what happens if dice go well/badly. What if your unit breaks - will you be able to counter the enemy, who will be in panic check range, who will you flee through? What if you break them, will you be able to maximise the gains, crossfire the enemy unit...? What if nobody breaks, will you be able to add support to swing the combat in your favour?

Expect the unexpected.

Friday, May 9, 2008

More Lizards

Lizards.... great list, great models, great army..... my favourite.
Firstly - with almost any list design/theme you can win (Saurus heavy, skirmish, magic, monsters). You don't need to go with "standard tournament lists".
Secondly, even with new VC's daemons etc Lizards are awesome. If you can't win its your fault - lizards are one of the most capable armies around.

Its difficult to give general advice without knowing what "theme" you want, but there are a few general comments.
1) Slann. Magic doesn't win games, but the Slann can get a VERY good magic phase for relatively few points (try not to be tempted to go too tooled up). With the Slann a Steed of Shadows + Scar Vet on foot is usually the key for getting a strong magic phase. Regardless of the other 3-4 spells you have 1 "must stop" spell per turn (against most armies bane head + rule of buring iron = another must stop spell). More than magic though Ld 9 BSB is awesome in a Lizard list. With average dice you have to lose combat by 4-5 before you need to worry about fleeing - that's HUGE!
2) Skinks. Lizards main strength is the skink. When used properly the Skinks mean that Lizard assault units hardly ever receive a charge - even against faster armies.
3) Tarpit characters. Lizards have access to some of the best tar-pits around. Scar Vets on Cold Ones can absorb HUGE amounts of damage and with good Ld and a BSB nearby can stop knights/chariots monsters etc in their tracks.
4) Kroxigores are awesome..... period. With a BSB (esp Slann BSB) nearby they grind there way through most units with ease.
5) Huanchi Banner is broken. If you use it as 'cheekily' as is possible it can become far too good.
6) Saurus are slow. Lizards are generally fast and agressive - saurus aren't. That said they do create a larger unit does create a nice "anchor". If you want Saurus Heavy I would HIGHLY recommend a Slann.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Recently somebody asked me some advice for lizardmen as I was a "rekown" lizardmen player (who knew?) Below is a paraphrase of what I said, some others might find it interesting.

Its pretty difficult to go wrong with lizards, they are a great army. I have some 'unique' ideas around lizards (ie I have NEVER taken an old blood that wasn't on a Carnosaur - no particular reason, just haven't), and have never taken the same list to more than 1 tournament (out of about a dozen or so with lizards) and they are by far my most 'successful' army.

Slann can help make a "defensive" style list difficult, and you need enough 'fast' hitters to make a Carnosaur army work.

My opinion has always been that Saurus don't work 'too' well in most lizard builds. I currently have a unit of 20 in most lists, but most games the game is over before they arrive - but I do play very fast, and very aggressive with lizards. That said my best tournament results have been when I have had a unit or 2 in the list. I'm not convinced by bulds like 2 x 18, I think a 20 and 2 10s would work better as it gives you a variety of strengths to utilise (static res, or more attacks + more flee/divert/counter options).

Huanchi Banner: Sometimes I don't take it as I believe its 'too' good, and vs any player who isn't on top of their game can make it too easy to win. If you have no problem with thsi get it in there - it really is "that" good. Top tip with it is to run in front of a unit, but to its side (ie as below - x = enemy, C = cold ones).
This makes it ridiculously easy to get a flank charge.

Some people take 7 dice and 2 scrolls (or similar). In my opinion that really isn't necessary, but then I always take a "low" level of magic defense, and you may feel you'd like more.

Sword of hornet on a Cold One Scar Vet is a waste of points. Anyone that can take him down will not generally be bothered by 4 str 5 attacks. Also (my) Lizard combat units VERY rarely receive a charge - if you do you're not using the skinks properly.

If you want a single lvl 2 I'd go for the diadem or cube and mk of old ones. With no help he'll never cast anything. Vs low magic Diadem would mean you get 6 PD and the rerolls help you get spells off, and prevent miscasts. Vs High magic you have no scrolls but 9 dice, with rerolls mean you should be able to stop most spells (ie vs VC/Tk if they cast on a 3, you can through 1 dice, secure with a reroll if required, also can reroll if you get 1,1 vs a high cast spell).

The cube and rerolls is obvious. VC and TK especially don't like it when you can stop a magic phase, as this means they can't "guarantee" a raise or van hels in any particular phase - that's huge as TK (and some new VC builds) tactics rely on knowing that a spell will work. Imagine some black knights move within 7" of the saurus/Krox.. ready to van hels in - you then stop the phase and the BK are now screwed.

As a thought (different again) IF I ever took an old blood he would likely be on a cold one as below:
Old Blood: Cold One, L.arnour, Itzl, Quetzl, Old Ones, E/Shield, Aura of Quetzl, Bane Head, Burning Blade (or sword of might). With a -1+ save, 4+ ward and a couple of rerolls this guy is REALLY difficult to kill (although pricy @ 310 pts), and will take on almost anything (with the BSB nearby). it takes an everage of 18 Str 6 hits to put a wound on him (before you factor in the rerolls) - he can then stand in front of knight units, chariots, Ogres, even a Steam Tank, and take the charge - awesome.

Of course the strength of a CoJW guy is that he joins in all other combats to turn them in the lizards favour - I'm just not convinced a OB does that "that" much better than a SV (although many are).

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tin Soldiers

Warhammer is also played in tournaments (several games over a weekend) and I am organising one for June.

So if anyone reading is interested:

"Tin Soldier" will be held in Auckland, NZ on 7/8 June 2008.

Venue is Onehunga RSA and a bar, with food, is on-site.

Tournament will be 5 games at 2,250 points with some soft scores (painting, comp, sports).

Any questions let me know. I will probably do quite a few posts about the tournament leading up to the event (and afterwards).

Friday, March 28, 2008


Warhammer is a tactical game.

'Describing' tactics is very difficult, if we had models and a table I could show you (or anyone else) much easier. I have also 'taught' some people various tactics and (I believe) helped them improve as players. Unfortunately it’s 'too hard' to do it the internet.

Also specific tactics can change a lot depending on build/scenery/opponents.... I suppose a big part of it is being flexible in your approach.

Overall, if you want to outshoot the enemy you need to be able to 'fend' his attacks with your combat units to give you more time to shoot. If you want to “rip people up” up close and personal you need to be able to get rid of all the diverting units.

Generally you want to split the enemies attacks, to allow you to have your strength vs a small part of your enemies army, destroy it, and move on.

Below are a number of standard tactics that can be employed in a game of warhammer, often they should be combined in cunning ways to ensure the win.

The Fend
Many armies rely on their superior shooting to help them win games the fend can greatly assist in getting the most out of your firepower. It requires a somewhat balanced army to work, and if used correctly can mean an army with a moderate amount of shooting can shoot more stuff than a ‘gunline’ (ie just lots of guns).

The fend works by having your guns next to some combat units (Cavalry, chariots and monsters work best, but infantry can also be used).

The combat units quickly advance, whilst the guns start their work. General battle line will look like the image below.

The Yellow army has advanced in combat units while the ‘guns’ stay behind.

The red army needs to advance quickly to stop the shooting but if it moves “full speed” they will be in trouble from the combat units and therefore would usually advance cautiously staying out of charge range of the combat units.

The Yellow combat units then would ‘reverse’ and position themselves to still “fend” the red army, but stop themselves getting charged by overpowering forces.

Due to being delayed the yellow army then gets much more turns to shoot the enemy, and get the most out of ‘what they have’. This works better than a gunline as you have moderate shooting for (hopefully) the entire game, rather than a gunline where you have 2-3 turns of shooting before tour guns get charged by anything that survived the on-slaught.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Tomb Kings

As well as those lovely K-nights I have an army raised from the ground, long Dead warriors brought back to life (thinbk "The Mummy" film and you won't be far wrong.

My Tomb Kings - as used at Dogcon

The army is very solid, although requires a great deal of skilll (I think) to use well. The trick is using the lovely TK magic to cast one crucial spell a turn. This often requires planning your magic phase during the movement phase of the turn before.
This army was a painted quickly (drybrushing and Inks) and is more for gaming.


One of my painted armies are Brettonians. Lots of Knights with Peasants hanging around like a bad smell (literally).

A few pics

Some Men At arms - one of my Favourite units in the army. The Bird in the middle is a representation of "the lady (of the lake). Favouring the army with her blessing. top shot shows the light source effect on the unit (yellow-ish tints on all models around the "lady". Remember if you want more "close up" pictures of the models to see all the lovely detail, just click on them.

Some Grail Knights. The army has a "dragon hunter" theme, hence the dragon scale cloaks and dragon iconography on armour, lances etc. Below is the Lord, the Dragon Slayer himself.

A new Blog

Well for those that don't know (ie you haven't met me) I like playing with "Toy Soldiers" aka miniature fantasy war games aka Warhammer.

This Blog will be about my exploits within the hobby - Enjoy!