Thursday, March 27, 2008


One of my painted armies are Brettonians. Lots of Knights with Peasants hanging around like a bad smell (literally).

A few pics

Some Men At arms - one of my Favourite units in the army. The Bird in the middle is a representation of "the lady (of the lake). Favouring the army with her blessing. top shot shows the light source effect on the unit (yellow-ish tints on all models around the "lady". Remember if you want more "close up" pictures of the models to see all the lovely detail, just click on them.

Some Grail Knights. The army has a "dragon hunter" theme, hence the dragon scale cloaks and dragon iconography on armour, lances etc. Below is the Lord, the Dragon Slayer himself.


I'll try that! said...

These are great. I am more of a scuptor than painter but I wish I had the time and money to do some of these things. The roman and medieval eras are some truly awesome as far as armor and style is concerned.

Bloomfield Cricket Club said...

Very nice mate